Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Great day and great news!

Keira had a great day today. She is feeling very well and was able to walk around quite a bit. This is good news because yesterday she needed a wheel chair to get around. She saw Santa Claus and was given a Bratz doll (daddy is going to love it ;-). We also found out that Keira is responding so well to her Chemo that it is safe to take her home tomorrow. We have a nurse coming out to teach us how to care for her pic line and we will be administering the Chemo at home. It is scary to imagine doing all of this without a team of nurses and doctors but they wouldn't be letting us go home if they weren't sure we could handle it.  Keira will be in the out patient clinic a few times a week and will get blood and platelets as needed. The medicines change in each round of Chemo so hopefully she will continue to respond well. We have a long road ahead of but Keira is doing way better than expected. They initially told us she would have to be here for 15 days when she started Chemo on Wednesday and she is heading home on day 8! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers it is obviously working.


  1. YAY!!!! Such good news!

  2. Sharon, That is such great news !! Thinking about you guys soo much !!

  3. Sharon, thank you for creating this blog. I'm so happy to hear that Keira is doing better than expected. I look forward to reading more posts containing great news.

  4. Sharon, That's awesome news. She's tough just like her momma and is going to do great ;-). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have not stopped thinking about you guys. Thank you for keeping us updated.

  5. Great news! Hang in there little Keira!
