Keira is really doing great and responding well to her treatment. There are a lot of things she has to do as part of her regimen that she doesn't enjoy but she is such a trooper. She doesn't like the taste of the Chemo medicine and it breaks my heart that she actually knows the name of the drugs. For the past couple of days she has been telling us that she is “feeling better and doesn't need the decadron anymore”. When all of this is said and done she'll be well on her way to a nursing degree. Last night I explained to Keira that she was going to lose her hair once I assured her that it wouldn't hurt she was fine with it and later she told me that she was going to lose her hair but it wouldn’t hurt and it would grow back. There are other beautiful bald kiddos around here which made it easy to start the conversation.
We’ve received a lot of questions about Keira’s treatment so I’ll share with you some of the highlights of what is to come. If Keira continues to respond the way she has so far, she will go home in about 10 more days. Once we are home she will be on out-patient Chemo. The first five to six months will be the toughest and most of the really serious side effects of the medicine could occur during this time. There is a chance that Keira will still be able to start Kindergarten in the fall and she will likely have her hair back by then. There is just as good a chance that she will need to be home schooled for a while. It depends on how she continues to respond to the medicine and where her immunity levels are in September.
Please keep sending positive energy our way.
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