Thursday, March 28, 2013

Science day, pizza and a new dress....

Keira was in the clinic on Tuesday and Thursday but was not able to be admitted. Her oncologists are not concerned. They expected a 1 to 3 week recovery time from the last round of Chemo. We don't go back until Thursday when she should be admitted. We were secretly hoping she wouldn't be in the hospital for Easter and are really pleased that she'll be home. Today was science day, a pizza party and "fairy godmother" day at the clinic. Keira had a blast. There is a "prom" being held on April 13th for the oncology unit. The "fairy godmothers" came today and donated dresses to all of the girls! Keira chose a beautiful dress and had fun modelling it. The things that the social workers at St. Chris do for their kids is truly amazing. It certainly makes going for treatment a lot easier!


  1. That is great to see all the support that is provided...unsung heroes indeed...db

  2. She looks beautiful in her dress. Have a very Happy Easter!

  3. I love the dress she pretty :)

  4. Thanks, I love it too. She told me she would be getting a purple dress and we had a few to try on but once she put on that dress she told me she didn't need to see any of the others on because this was her dress.... So cute.
