Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Keira pulled the cancer card.... made us chuckle.

Keira's brother has a double ear infection. On Monday I took him to the Dr. while mom-mom watched Keira. When we came home Brendan wasn't feeling very well and mom-mom said to Keira "We have to be extra special good to Brendan he is really sick". Keira replied "Mom-mom you know I am sick too, I still have Cancer you know". This was the first time I ever heard her try that and it made us laugh a little. She is doing so well right now you could easily forget what she is going through.... but I guess she'll be quick to remind us. 

Tomorrow if Keira makes counts we'll be admitted for a few days. We've also agreed to allow a organization called CureSearch to film Keira having a spinal tap procedure. They are an organization that supports cancer research and provides information and resources to people affected by childhood cancer. It feels good being able to do something to contribute to finding a cure. I just hope it is what Keira would do if she were old enough to make this decision on her own. 

1 comment:

  1. kids say the darndest's great to hear she's doing so well ;)
