Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Surgery bound

Today Keira was cleared for surgery. Her white blood and platelet levels were just above where they had to be so she will be put under tomorrow around 10 A.M. to have her port implanted. They will also perform the bone marrow biopsy. I've attached a video that we made in the hospital on 12/7 just because I think it is really cute and I didn't get around to adding it sooner. I promise to update the blog tomorrow and let everyone know how surgery went. 


  1. I just learned of Kiki's illness this morning. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Blood donations: can you please tell me her blood type, while I can't donate yet due to surgery possibly my family members can donate. Also, do you have tags to take to the blood drive so that the blood is specifically allocated for her? We just did this for Steph's baby and we had to have a tag to provide at the blood drive.

    Keep the faith, stay strong and positive! She is as tough as her Mom and it sounds like she is doing great.

    Prayers, Good Thoughts and Love!
    Anne Marie

  2. Anne Marie, donating in Keira's honor to the American Red Cross is the way to do the most good. Keira is 0 positive but there is not a way to donate specifically to her.

  3. Very good, we had to locate O + for Steph's baby... I thought they could process and hold blood donations for a specific person... I did this for a girlfriend who has a rare blood disease (ITP). You have your hands full, I will do some research and come back to you. We were able to have donations "tagged" with expedited processing for one of our little boys, just last weekend. You take care and hugs all the way around.
