Monday, January 7, 2013

That giggle is the sweetest sound in the world.

Keira has been off of the steroids since Thursday morning and she is pretty much back to her old self. She has been sleeping through the night, eating like a regular kid and is in very little pain. The past day and a half have been amazing. She played in the backyard, went for a walk and had two play dates where she actually got off the couch. She even asked for some of her Christmas presents and played with them. This morning she asked me for a cheese stick at 9:30 and I told her that it would be her only one for the whole day and asked if she was sure, she said yes and I gave it to her. She took a bite smiled a huge smile and said “except I already had the one that Daddy gave me” then she giggled and told me she tricked me. It was adorable. She has been so incredibly mature and too tired to be anything but perfect for the past month so seeing her behave like a four year old actually brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait to hear back about the results of her biopsy. I know when she starts back on Chemo this week it will be tough on her so it is nice to see her get a break and be able to be a kid again even if it is only for a few days. 

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